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Last year, interacting with a friend, I began to write in a casual way about alienation and rejection. As I did, I was fascinated by the lessons the Lord began to teach me. He helped me draw together experiences and studies of a lifetime, and took me deep into His Word to grapple with issues in my personal life I had not fully dealt with. Enroute, He called me to get rid of baggage that held me into alienation from Himself.

At the core of life is relationship. If we look at God, He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in intimate relationship. The Father, Son, and Spirit, who are One, are three distinct personalities, who made man, a tripartite being, in His image. We were created to worship Him. Mankind is all about relationship. The Lord said it was not good for man to be alone; he needed someone of his kind to be in intimate fellowship with. So God created Eve, for man and woman to be in relationship. The union of marriage establishes family, who experience intimacy of relationship. Life is about relationship.

The Lord intended the first bond, or soul tie, formed in the womb between mother and child, and the father who speaks with love and tenderness to both his wife and his child – to establish a strong foundation for all relationships of life. However, when wounding occurs in the womb, and subsequently during childhood, as it creates fragmentation, it assaults the image of God in the child, and causes alienation deep within the personhood. The impact is experienced on every level as that first sacred boundary of life was violated. With boundary violation, there was a corresponding assault on safety, security, protection, and identity. The boundary of the womb is sacred; it is a holy boundary. When honored, it places a hedge of protection around the child. Break the boundary? The hedge is gone; a door is opened to the enemy.

Consequently, the child was alienated from himself. Alienated from his parents, he was alienated from God, and society. Healthy soul ties were violated, healthy bonds that should have brought a bond of peace were broken. The open door gave the enemy legal power to hold the child in a tie of deception and captivity. That bond causes him to go through a lifetime of feeling alienated, unwanted, isolated, and disconnected. Though he tries, he cannot create belonging. His efforts to meet his need, or longing to belong are futile; belonging originates in the womb.

Today, we have a world filled with broken, alienated individuals, who carry an ocean of pain locked deep inside, who run from one high to another, desperate as they try to fill their emptiness, and find relief for their despair. But God has promised life. But not just life. He promised abundant life, life that bubbles and spills over, much more than we need. Sadly, most of us simply exist. We have no concept of life. Joy is nonexistent. Abundance of life is beyond our imagination. This lack of abundant life is evidence the enemy is present to steal, kill, and destroy. A spirit of alienation follows one through the course of life. No matter how hard we try, no matter what sacrifice is made – alienation grows, and permeates every facet of life including one’s identity. Feeling alienated, alone, isolated, we religiously follow a list of rules, spend time in the Bible, reach out to the lost, and live a life of abstinence, but nothing stops the march of destruction upon one’s life. Our thirst is not quenched. We are empty. The pain grows. Though we mask it for a time, nothing can alleviate the pain as it begins to consume us.

With the pain of alienation, as with every ocean of pain, the only solution for man’s dilemma is to find a truth so abundant, it is able to conquer every ocean of pain, not just your ocean of alienation and pain, but the ocean of alienation of every human being. It must have the potential to fill to overflowing every ocean of need within the entire universe. That is the only way the pain can be broken; and the ocean of pain be replaced with an ocean of love, joy, peace, and hope. We must have a truth so incredible, it exposes the lie for what it is, and it begins to meet the deepest needs and longings of our heart . My prayer is the Lord will enable us to see with clarity, the wonder of His provision to meet our ocean of need.

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